Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Picnic Lunch At School With Brandi

Today, Brandi's school had a huge picnic lunch, and all the parents were invited.
Here's Brandi enjoying her hamburger.
Here's Brandi and her Daddy.

And here is me and my girl.
When it was time to leave, Brandi started crying. Talk about breaking my heart!
As Junior and I walked to the car, I could see her standing on the playground, watching us. When she saw me looking, she blew me kisses and waved.

I really hope she stopped crying quick, and got to enjoy recess.


Ann said...

How cool is that, a picnic lunch. I hope she had some distraction after you left and got to enjoy her recess

Cascia Talbert said...

I bet that was a lot of fun.

Jennifer said...

That is such a neat, fun idea!!
Around here it'd have to be done early in the school year OR late in the school year to have good weather!!