Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brandi's Program

First let's welcome in the zombies...check out their eyes! Freaky! I have no idea what happened, but Ryan had my camera, so who knows! lol!

The kids did such a great job singing songs about America. They had little dances to go with each song, and Brandi was such the little performer. It was so sweet to watch her blow me kisses from the stage, and waving to me whenever the songs ended. Of course, her daddy was giving her the "loser" sign, and she found a way to sneak one back at him. I wish Ryan had gotten a shot of that!

You can see in this next picture that Brandi has her arms crossed. She spent most of the performance this way, except when she was dancing. I asked her when we got home why she was standing like that, and she said it was because she was comfortable that way.

When the program ended, the kids were taken to the gym for us parents to pick them up. When I got in there, Brandi's teacher told me that Brandi had fallen off the riser when they were leaving and hurt her knee. She didn't think there was any blood (there wasn't) but Brandi was limping a little. By the time we got outside into the POURING rain, she was running to the van, and hasn't said anything else about it. I guess that means she is fine.

We bought the fixin's for banana splits to celebrate, but by the time we got home she was ready for bed. It just gives her something to look forward to tomorrow night!

Me too! lol!


Jennifer said...

:) hey!! surprise!! remember me?? lol
love the new layout and your header. also love the pics of boo and her classmates. i want a banana split... sounds yummy. i guess it will give me something to look foward to for a LONG time, it'll be a while till I get one. lol

Tammy said...

I always love going to the kid's programs. Sounds like you guys had a fun night and Brandi did a great job. The banana splits sound wonderful too.