Monday, November 16, 2009


I cut everyone's hair in my house. Brandi is easy, because she likes her hair long, and all I have to do is trim it. Kasi is a little more difficult, and I have actually agreed to let her go have a professional cut her hair because she is at that age where she wants a "style", and I am not that talented.

The guys are easier. I just use my electric trimmer. Ryan usually lets me buzz his head every other month or so, but Junior is a pain in the butt. I have to beg him for days before he will let me cut his hair.

You see, we disagree on how his beard should be kept. He wants it to grow long, in true ZZTop fashion, and I tell him that if he does, I will divorce him.

I'm not kidding. I do not think that is a good look on anyone.

He is also wanting to grow his hair a little longer. I hate the way that looks, too, because he is going bald. That's right. He has major hair loss , and it is a lot less noticeable when his hair is buzzed short. Now, before you all start yelling at me because I hate my husbands bald head, continue reading. I am not suggesting hair loss treatment, I am just saying that a comb over isn't fooling anyone. I want him to embrace his baldness. I wouldn't care if every hair in his head fell out, as long as he didn't try to hide it with toupee's or comb overs. If he wanted to do hair restoration I would support him 100%.

Now, my hair is easy to cut, too. I like to have it trimmed every other month, and Junior is pretty good at doing it for me. Heck, I even had Ryan do it once. I am not picky. As long as it is straight across the back, I don't care who does it.

1 comment:

Cascia Talbert said...

I don't think I could cut my kids' hair. I'd be too scared I'd mess it up. My sister-in-law is a hair dresser so we have her cut everyone's hair.