Friday, November 13, 2009

I Feel The Need To write Something...

It's been a long, draining day. Spent two hours on the interstate, and if you know me at all, you know that means extreme anxiety. I rode the whole way to the dermatologist with my eyes closed. Coming home was better...less I kept my eyes open. I don't know when I became such a freak, but this is just one of the many reasons why I don't drive.

Kasi had to have a biopsy done...she's a real trooper. She has a few stitches, and we will go back the day before Thanksgiving for stitch removal and pathology review. The doctor said she thought it might be something like scleroderma, and she also said something else but I can not remember what it was. It started with an H. We will know exactly when we go back.

I am looking forward to a day of relaxation tomorrow. That is, after I clean this house, do some laundry, scrub the bathroom, etc., etc., etc....


Jenera said...

Poor kid, she's got too much going on! Hope she gets better soon.

Donna said...

It'll be fine sweetie...(((HUG)))

thepsychobabble said...

It *IS* hard to drive with your eyes shut, isn't it? lol

Best of luck to you guys:)

Frugal Vicki said...

I think I missed what was going on, but regardless we are about to head to bed and that sweet girl will be added to our prayers!
I hate driving in traffic too. And the longer I am a WAHM, the more I hate (and in all honesty get scared) in it!

Rebecca said...

That's odd-- I mentioned scleroderma in a discussion I had today (I was talking about the Greek word sklero, and it's meaning). I read about a lady who had it, too-- a story from the book God Can Do It Again. The woman was miraculously healed of the condition.

I pray the same for your daughter, whatever her ailment. God bless you both.

Frogs in my formula said...

Errr, that doesn't sound relaxing!

Frogs in my formula said...

P.S. Good luck!

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

Hope she feels better soon. :(