Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Learned Something Today

It should come as no surprise to any of you who visit this blog often that I love to read. In fact, it is very rare that I do not have some kind of book or magazine that I am in the middle of reading. The only type of books I really can not stand are historical romances where all they write about are having bosoms and quivering members. That is not my kind of thing at all.

I will, however, read just about anything else. I read tons of blogs every day, and love learning new things from them. I have found so many yummy recipes and amazing craft ideas online. I also enjoy reading about things I know nothing about. Take white tea, for example. I knew there was green tea, and regular tea, but had never heard of white tea. Apparently it is something that upper class Chinese people drink. I am not a tea drinker myself, but Junior might give it a try.

I wonder if I can find it in the grocery store? I'll have to take a look next week when i do my big shopping. Until then, I m off to read some more.


Donna said...

It's also touted to be Much better than Green tea!
Never tried it though...
'HAhahahaa...quivering members....bosoms....HAHAHahahaa.........I needed this...hughughugs

Ann said...

I've heard of it, I've seen it in the stores but I've never tried it. I do like green tea though.

SimpleLifeFreak said...

Amazing, I also didn't know about it. Thanks for great info, searching for it as well.

Jen said...

I've tried it, I think Snapple or one of those other tea companies has White Tea. I like the taste better than green tea, it isn't so bitter. Of course you throw enough sugar into it and it all tastes good.

bcmomtoo said...

That reminds me. I need to buy some tea tomorrow. Probably not white tea, though. My son wants mint tea.

I do think the white tea is supposed to be really good for you, but it doesn't have as much flavor because the leaves aren't as mature. Or something. There's some commercial on TV about it.