Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I opened a new checking account today. Well, I did it online yesterday, but I had to go to the bank today to get things rolling. While we were there, we were talked into opening a savings account, too.

It seems that this particular bank has a program where they help you save money. See, whenever we use our debit card, the bank rounds the purchase up, and transfers the rest into the savings account. Let's say I use my card for a purchase that was $5.01. The bank will debit my account $6, and put the $.99 into my savings account.

The best part,,,they will match that $.99! That's right...easy money! They will match up to $250 a year. So, my plan is to not touch the savings account for the next year, and there is our Christmas money.

Pretty good plan, right? Let's just hope it works.


StaceyC4 said...

I have always wanted to do that at my bank but we have always needed every dime in there so I never tried. Good luck!

Carrie said...

What a great idea! I am going to check with our bank to see if they offer saving accounts like that.