Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Packing For The Move That Will Happen In Three Months

I have officially started packing! I have five boxes done, and plan on doing a little more tomorrow. I am really getting into it. I am sorting the things to keep and the things to trash, and it is nice. When we moved here, Ryan and Kasi packed most of the house since I had just had surgery and couldn't do anything, and some of those boxes have never been touched. They were just stuck in the closet. I am enjoying going through them, because there are things in them we haven't used, or needed, in the 15 months we have been here. To me, that means it is time for them to go.

I was interested in reading through some moving tips, and found some great ones on a Los Angeles Office Movers website. The best one I found was about not polishing your furniture right before moving day. Doing so makes it harder for the moving guys to keep a hold of it. Since Junior is my moving guy, I think it would be kind of mean to make it easier for him to drop things. I mean, he really doesn't need any help in that area. In all the times we have moved, he has dropped quite a few pieces of furniture. He will tell you it was my fault because I was helping him, but I strongly disagree.

If you are moving and are thinking about hiring a professional to help, call moving companies Los Angeles toll free, 1-800-431-3920 for a free quote. I am leaning towards hiring someone when we move in February to help Junior out. I am not doing it this time.

That way he can't blame me when something goes wrong.

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