Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Single Pink Rose

Beautiful, right?
Junior got this for me over the weekend, just cause he loves me.
And because we had a little fight.
It's amazing how a $2 rose from the supermarket can make a girl feel loved.

So, I am thinking about taking the day off tomorrow from blogging. My eyes have been bothering me, and I think it's from sitting here all day long, every day.
But, if I know me, I will still be checking opps, so you might hear from me.
Hopefully not, but you never know.


StaceyC4 said...

It's not my eyes that are bothering me from sitting at the computer, but my knees! I think I need a new computer desk chair but I don't want to spend the money on one!

Donna said...

Its beautiful...take a rest!hughugs

Tracy said...

Beautiful rose.

Smart man

Frugal Vicki said...

That is too sweet! What a good boy you have there! I like the new header, very calming!

Vixen said...

Smart boy. And sweet too. Enjoying your day off? I hope so!

Tammy said...

It sounds like you have a lot of love around you. Your rose is beautiful.

Carrie said...

There is nothing better than those just because moments!

You are one lucky girl!