Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Carson And Lylah

I thought you guys might enjoy a picture of my newest little niece and her big brother. Notice the hand holding her head...precious! It also warms my heart that my sister uses the blanket I made for the baby...even carrying it to the hospital with her. Colleen called this afternoon and asked if I wanted to spend the day at her house tomorrow...of course I wanted to, but I have developed quite an annoying cold, and am sneezing and congested. I think my eyes hurting was the beginning, because all day today they have done nothing but water. But, having a cold means no baby love, so I will be sitting home. As much as I want to see them, I do not want to get anyone sick, especially little Lylah.

I just better be over this by Saturday...Brandi will kill me if we can't visit then...she has yet to meet her newest little cousin.


Dhemz said...

congrats auntie! what a bundle of joy....looks like big bro was happy!

btw, I would like to ask a favor if you could help us vote for my daughter...if you have time....your help is much appreciated....thanks!

* You can Vote for Akesha by answering this question and post the whole sentence as your comment:
Question: Akesha is my winning Pinoy Smile because ----------
Note: You can cast your vote and comment everyday. Thanks!

My Pink Shoelace said...

they look so cute .. so sweet.

StaceyC4 said...

that is a very sweet picture! Five years from now when they are arguing, someone should pull this picture out and remind them how much they love each other! LOL!

Unknown said...

Such a precious little bundle!

Makoy said...

hi there! that is so cute. btw, i have linked you in my photoblog i hope you can link me back as well. thanks :)

Jenera said...

What a cutie!

Tammy said...

What a cute picture! I just love babies. Feel better fast!!!

Kristin said...

Aw, What a sweet picture!! I am so happy for you and your family!

Carrie said...

2 adorable children. Congrats on the newest little addition.

by the way I love the blanket!