Monday, November 16, 2009

Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

If you are my friend on facebook, you know this kids missed the bus this morning. It was my fault. I used to stay up until 2 to get Junior up for work. This was making me so tired during the day, so I started going to bed about midnight and setting the alarm to go off at 2am. I would get up, get Junior up, reset the alarm for 5:15, and go back to bed.

Apparently this morning when it went off at 2am, I reset it, but didn't push the button all the way down, and it was on "radio" instead of "alarm". Around 6:45 I heard faint singing, and sprang out of bed. The volume on the radio alarm was so low, it didn't wake me up.

The kids bus comes at 6:25.

I called Junior at work, but because he was out two days last week, he couldn't leave to take the kids to school. I asked about his lunch break, but he said he wouldn't have enough time.

So the kids got a free day off. They have been cleaning their rooms and helping me pack up a few things. Ryan even helped me get some of the Christmas decorations down so I can see what needs to be repaired.

But now I am faced with a dilemma. I have to send them with notes tomorrow for being absent, but what should I write? I was thinking the good old "family emergency" because I really don't want to write that they missed the bus.

What would you do????

1 comment:

Hot Rocks said...

Mmmm..that's a tough one. You don't want to send a message to the kids that lying is OK....but it does seem kind of lame that the excuse is that you slept in (LOL). You know, I bet the teachers would have a good laugh....just tell them the truth that you slept in, I mean we are only human and stuff like that happens sometimes!