Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Math Help For Ryan

Last week, I think I wrote about the issues my son was having with one of his teachers. Thankfully, after a lot of back and forth with the assistant principal, I was able to switch his class. I was a little worried about this, because aside from his clashing with this teacher, he was doing really great this year. For the first time since kindergarten, he had more A's on his report card than any other grades, and he didn't have a single D. He struggles with his ADHD most years, but this year has gotten off to a really good start.

The class I had him switch was one that he struggles with; math. Math is all about right and wrong. There is no gray area. Last year, the school offered tutoring during certain periods, and Ryan signed up for a few subjects. I really saw an improvement in his grades due to the math help he was receiving. This year, he was automatically put into tutoring because of being in it last year, and I think that is why he has done so well the first semester. The problem now is that he has to try and get switched into his new math teachers tutoring session, and it seems to be problematic. I am hoping the school can figure it out soon, because he really needs the extra help.

This of course led me on a full out research mission to find him some free online math help. He loves to be on the computer, so if I can get him to take advantage of online math tutoring, he might not fall behind. The program I am looking at offers free online math tutoring where you can try out their program for free. If you decided that you want to take advantage of their 24/7 online math tutors, you can pay a monthly fee of $99.99. But don't think you are limited to just online math help. That monthly fee gives you access to all subjects.

I am going to try their free online math tutoring, and see if it helps Ryan at all. Like I said, I will do whatever it takes to help him continue to get good grades.

1 comment:

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

Keep it up Ryan! You can do it!
I know a lot of children is really having a hard time in Math subject.
I also hope that you will be able to find a good online math tutorial. :)