Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Little Monsters

This is the only picture I took tonight of the kids.

I would have taken more, but about three minutes after I took this picture, it started pouring.

But, because I am a glutton for punishment, we trick or treated anyway.

By the time we finished this one subdivision, I could wring out my clothes. I was freezing!

But, the kids had fun, and that is what is important.

(I am happier now that I am dry and warm!)


Frugal Vicki said...

they look awesome! My nephew had the same costume as your son and his mask had a little pump that poured blood down the face. Yucky!

Frugal Vicki said...

oh yes, and I have a treat for you on my site!

Donna said...

Sorry it was such a nasty night for y'all!! Stay dry!!hughugs

JunieRose2005 said...

LOL- Mom's do what Mom's have to do! :)...and love it! :) I always did with my kids and then with my 'grands!'

Your kids look cute and ready for some fun!!


StaceyC4 said...

Luckily the rain held off here. I still stayed home but hubby took our son out and about and they had a great time!

A Lil Enchanted said...

They look great! Sorry you all got rain :(

A Lil Enchanted,

Unknown said...

Glad the kids had fun, love the costumes- 3 of the divas had work and Dev a party and Ian was with his dad so the weather didn't bother me. But, I would have taken them too and have many a time.

BK said...

Glad that the kids had fun. That was certainly the most important. :)

Kristin said...

LOL, I love that picture!! and one of the best Halloween's I remember as a kid was when it poured, lol, seriously! I think it was because it is not "supposed" to rain on Halloween, right? I mean, you never picture rain in the equation.. so, I remember on this one Halloween when it rained, we were all stuck several streets from home and it was awful, cold, and funny at the same time! LOL!! Memories! :)