Thursday, November 12, 2009

Vocational School

Kasi and Ryan recently visited the local vocational school with their classes. Kasi has always said that when she grows up she wants to be a fashion designer. It only took one trip to the vocational school for her to change her mind. Now she says she wants to go there and study cosmetology. I think this is a wonderful idea, and could be a great beginning to a career in fashion design. Baby steps, I told her. Hair and makeup are very important parts of fashion.

Ryan went with the dreams of being a mechanic. The vocational school offers courses in that, so he is super excited to be able to go when he gets to high school. I think this might be part of the reason he is doing well this year with his grades. He knows he needs to keep them up in order to go.

Just last week he helped Junior do a brake job on a Chevrolet Silverado. This is Ryan's dream truck. Most boys want their first vehicles to be sports cars. Not my Ryan. He wants a truck. He says he will settle for an old rust bucket, but he secretly hopes that Junior and I will buy him a Silverado.

I hate that he is going to be severely disappointed. He is going to have to get a job at a Dallas auto repair shop or something so that he can make enough money to buy the truck for himself.

I am really excited that they both found careers that they are interested in, and that they can get some training while they are still in school. College is expensive, and the job market is competitive. Even a little extra experience can go a long way. I just hope they both get accepted into the programs when the times comes.

1 comment:

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Vocational schools are wonderful--I loved the vocational courses I took in high school. Definitely makes school more interesting if you're learning something you are interested in and plan on using in the future.