Monday, November 16, 2009

Why, NBC, Why?

NBC is really disappointing me. First, they took away my ER. Then they gave me this new show, Trauma.

This show is no ER, but it is exciting and interesting...and now it is canceled.
I blame Jay Leno. Yup, that's right. I said it. And I'm not the only one.
It seems that a lot of NBC drama's aren't making the cut, because NBC feels they are too graphic for the 9pm time slot. They are better suited for 10pm. BUT, at 10pm on NBC EVERY FREAKIN' NIGHT is Jay. How are any other shows going to stand a chance?
NBC, I am so disappointed in you. I know you don't want my advice, but here it is:
If the shows you are making will do better at 10pm, put them on at 10pm.
Put Leno on a 9pm.
He show is suited for anytime.
Let the other shows have a chance before you cancel them.

1 comment:

blueyes said...

and you know Jay Leno isn't even all that so I'm not sure he managed to get that gig.