Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh, My Aching Feet!

I have a terrible time with dry skin in the winter. I blame the heat in the house. I usually get flaky skin on my legs, and an even more embarrassing place; my face. This winter, though, has been pretty mild. We haven't had the heat turned up too high, and my face has been okay. My legs have been dry, but I have been managing with a moisturizing lotion. I did have a new trouble spot show up, and that is my feet.

I can not tell you the last time I put on a pair of socks. I'm serious. I usually wear either my fur lined crocs or flip flops. This leaves my feet vulnerable to the weather, and my heels are paying the price. They are literally cracked and brittle, and they hurt so bad some days. On a good day, I can get one of the girls to rub lotion into them, but it usually costs me something. I believe soaking them would help, but I can not stand to be in the tub for that long. I know, that's hard to believe since all I ever complained about before the move was not being able to take a bath. I guess I just got too used to showering.

I think the perfect solution would be finding some type of foot spa that I can use while sitting here at the computer, or while watching television. I found this BioEnergiser, and it sounds wonderful! Not only with it soften my heels, the "Bio-energy science goes to work on them with this remarkable BioEnergiser detox foot bath, extracting toxins that build up in your body and leaving you feeling renewed and rebalanced with more physical and mental energy." It uses sea salt, and I have heard that salt is wonderful for the healing process.

The great thing about this is that it will fit right under my desk, so I can soak while I work. It is these little perks that make me grateful that I can work from home, because I am pretty sure you can not soak your feet at a nine to five job.

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