Monday, April 26, 2010


I told Brandi this afternoon that she needed to finish her homework.  I was on the computer, so I had my back to the living room.  When I turned around, this is what I saw.
Brandi was laying on the floor, enjoying her book.

She is definitely my kid.


StaceyC4 said...

I know...I love it when my boys sit down with a good book. My older son really got in to reading in 8th grade and for years, it was almost like a competition over who read more in a week - me or him!

imelda said...

good girl. it was ur motivation that made her like that too

rjs mama said...

my son is a book-lover also, he calls himself a "bookworm"

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jenn said...

Stacey ~ my girls love to read, but Ryan hates it. It is like pulling teeth to get him to sit down and read for school. He definitely takes after his daddy! lol!

jenn said...

imelda ~ thank you. I like to believe that seeing me always have a book in front of me rubbed off on her.

jenn said...

rjs mama ~ a cute!

Petula said...

I really love to read and all of my children do as well. My oldest, who's in her first year of college hasn't had as much time for pleasure reading as she'd like, my second is just learning to read so he's very excited and the other two are following right along. We're just a house full of "nerds" over here.

jenn said...

Petula ~ I wish I had more time to pleasure read, too. My problem is that when I start a good book, I CAN NOT put it down, and end up reading it from cover to cover.

siteseer said...

I'm so glad my daughter picked up the love of reading from me too. It really helps getting through the teen years.

jenn said...

siteseer ~ I hope that when Brandi hits her teen aged years she still loves to read.

Forgetfulone said...

I'm the bookworm in our family. Love to read! Tell Brandi to keep it up. I'm convinced it helps in all areas of education, too.

jenn said...

Diana ~ I try to encourage her, and the other two, to read by buying books I know they will enjoy. For Brandi, that means anything iCarly or Wizards. But hey, at least she is reading.

They had interim reports come home today, and Brandi's reading level is where kids should be at the end of 4th grade. I am really proud of her!