Monday, April 26, 2010

Updating Your GPS System

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NAVTEQ. All opinions are 100% mine.
I am going to tell you something that might shock you.

Are you ready?

We do not have a GPS system in our van.  I believe we might be the only people left in America who don't have one.  Junior seems to know how to get everywhere we need to go, and we hardly ever go anywhere new.  But for all you other Americans out there who do have GPS, did you know that May is NAVTEQ’s Map Update Month?  Updating the maps in your GPS system helps it to better direct you, because let's face it.  If the maps are old, new roads and landmarks will not be on there, and you may not be shown the shortest routes anymore.

I had no idea that there was so much information that goes into these things, and the benefits of having one are phenomenal.  For instance, you can save money and time by driving the shortest routes.  You can drive with confidence and use less fuel.   I really need to talk Junior into getting one of these things.

If you need more information about updating the maps in your GPS system, check out  From there, you can click on your car's logo and follow the directions to update your system. 

It's that simple.
Visit my sponsor: May is Map Update Month for many GPS Systems

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