Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If I Could Ask God Anything By Kathryn Slattery

What was the resurrection of Jesus?

Why is Jesus' Resurrection so important?

It was the answer to these questions that led me to this book, If I Could Ask God Anything by Kathryn Slattery. You see, Easter was about a month ago, and I felt it was important that I explain to Brandi that looking for eggs and getting Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny was great, but there was a whole different, more important reason that we celebrate the Holiday. I tried my best to remember all the things I learned in Sunday School as a kid, but I found myself lacking the answers to some of her questions. In fact, I ended up scaring her, because the way I explained it, she was convinced that all people can come back from the dead, and she was terrified to go to sleep that night.

I knew at that point that I needed help. Luckily, I found the answers I was looking for in this book. Not only did the author explain things in kid friendly language, she listed the scriptures to back up her answers. This was a great way for Brandi and I to look up this story in the bible.

I believe this book is geared more towards kids, but I think adults who know nothing about God, or have never been to church, can benefit from it as well. It is laid out nicely, with each chapter focusing on a different topic, and while the answers are simple, they are spot on. At least that is my opinion.

***I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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