Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chicken Fights

We were at my mom's house last week swimming (surprise, surprise) and the kids decided to have a chicken fight.  Brandi got on Ryan's shoulders, and Colleen got on her husband, Mike's, shoulders.  It was pretty funny watching Brandi try to knock my sister down.  She didn't win, but she gave it all she had!

At one point, my sister got on my shoulders, and we fought against Ryan and Brandi.  I could barely stand up I was laughing so hard! 

We haven't been to my mom's in a couple of days due to thunderstorms, but we are planning to swim this afternoon.  The kids have so much fun, and to be honest, so do I.  I have always been a water rat.  I was always the first one in the pool, and the last one out.  My girls inherited this from me, I think. 

Now we just have to pray that the storms stay away for today so we can get a little swimming in...

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