Friday, June 25, 2010

Four Generations

Kasi, me, Brandi, my Grandmother, and my Mom...four generations of women.

I normally hate having my picture taken, but wanted to make sure that my girls have a picture to look back on one day.  I mean, my grandmother is 84 years old.  I hope she is around for a while longer, and she probably will be because she is in excellent health, but you never know.  

I really hope she'll be around when one of my girls has a daughter, so we can get a five generation photo.


Vixen said...

I adore generation pictures. We have one with My gram, my mom, my oldest, myself and my 1st granddaughter. It is so precious.

Donna said...

You'll be glad you did take this photo in later years sweetie!
You're beautiful!

jenn said...

Vixen ~ I do hope my girls cherish this picture someday.

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ thank you!