Saturday, June 26, 2010

a Girl's Guide to Life

I was really looking forward to reading this book, and I was not disappointed.  When I first read the title, I knew that this would be a book that I would want Kasi, and someday Brandi, to read.  I was right.

The book starts off discussing how a girl should be true to herself, and be who she wants to be, without worrying what other people think of her.  Talk about easy words to say, but hard words to live by.  Growing up as a girl (you're shocked, right?) I could relate to so many topics in this book.  From weight issues and eating disorders, to dating and having a period, this book covers it all.  I love that it lists "Big Myths" along with "Real Deal"s, guiding girls to choose the right path.  I remember having so many questions as a pre-teen and teen, but not feeling comfortable discussing them with my mom.  Those questions are answered in this book.  Do I think this book should be a substitute for my girls talking to me about things?  Absolutely not.  I do hope that this book will open up the lines of communication between us.

I will say, though, that I did not agree with all of the advice given, and I will explain my reasons why to my daughters.  But as a whole, I think this book can be a great tool for girls and parents alike.

***I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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