Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Am Trying Here, People, But I Still Don't Get It

I have been Tweeting, irregularly.  I just set it up through Facebook that when I post a new blog post, it will show up on my Twitter page.  I tweet to enter some contests, but only if I can just copy and past.  I don't understand all the # and @.  I really don't.  Reading some of the status' of the people I follow gets really confusing sometimes with all the links.  Seriously, I just don't get it.  I have people I have never heard of follow me.  For about a week, and then they run away.  I don't blame them, though, because I do not tweet on a regular basis, and i usually don't follow back.  The only people I seek out, most of the time, are celebrities and musicians.  For instance, I follow "Coop" from Nurse Jackie, and his tweets crack me up.  Especially on Monday nights when they are about the show. 

But anyway, do any of you have any advice for me?  Tell me what it is you love about twitter.  Convince me this isn't the stupidest invention in ages, because believe it or not, I really do want to understand.


Unknown said...

I am on there but still haven't gotten into it as much. I think there is so much social media that it is hard to do everything.

jenn said...

Lydia ~ you are so right. I just see that everyone is on Twitter, and as much as I want to, I just don't get it. At all.

Donna said...

I love Twitter! Usually am on it throught the day posting tweets about Government issues that I'm seeing on TV...Like minded people follow me and I follow them...We alert each other to various things about elections, news...etc. We "talk" to each other during Glenn Beck...Hahaa...Oh Yeah.
I like it because it is Instant talk...
What Ever you are into, you can follow and Be followed by like minded people...

Tammy said...

I'm right with you on this one, I just don't get it. Yep I have a Twitter account and a bunch of followers but I don't get it. Just another way to waste time.

jenn said...

Twitter ~ I follow you and you are on there all the time. I never looked at it as instant talk, but that makes sense, doesn't it?

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I don't think I'll ever get it. I was trying to get my followers up so I could do some sponsored tweets, but I just don't have the patience.

Lainy said...

Don't worry, Jenn. You are not alone. We are on the same boat, LOL! What I love about Twitter though is that we get instant traffic from our followers when our blogposts are automatically posted on there. But when we talk about sponsored tweets, I am completely in the dark. Sigh!

feefifoto said...

Have you looked into something like Tweet Deck? you can keep Twitter running alongside Facebook (and probably some other stuff) and it makes it a bit easier to keep track and respond intelligently to your followers and followees.

jenn said...

Lainy ~ That's about the only thing I tweet, and that's because it is automatic. I haven't noticed any traffic from it, though. I might need to check that out...

jenn said...

feefifoto ~ I'll have to look into that...I think I have heard others talk about it, too.

Forgetfulone said...

I need to know how you set your blog posts to automatically show up as a tweet. That's pretty cool!

jenn said...

Diana ~ the networked blogs widget over there? It's through Facebook, and it automatically sets my status when I do a post here to a link to it. Did that just make sense? Anyway, there is a new setting in that where you can automatically set it up as a tweet, too.

The Marc Chamot Report said...

Jenn, Twitter has become a loser. I think you have to be famous, a public figure to be taken seriously on Twitter.

I read a couple months ago, they are having droves of people dumping it. I did too.

jenn said...

Marc Chamot ~ I follow a few famous people, and those are the only tweets I am really interested in reading, so you are probably right.