Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Getting Hard To Watch

I am going to warn you now...if you haven't watched tonight's episode of Deadliest Catch, and you don't want to know what happened, stop reading.

Everyone else, let me ask you a question.  Are you finding it hard to watch the show knowing what is going to happen in the next few weeks?

I know tonight, the last five minutes ripped my heart out.  Listening to Phil tell Jake that he wanted nothing else to do with him, and then hearing Jake admit to being an addict...holy crap.  I wanted to yell at the television that they needed to make up, because there isn't much time left.  I don't want Phil to die feeling that way about his son, and I don't want Jake having to live with that.  I am hoping that on next weeks episode, before the inevitable happens, that they can sit down and make up.  Or that it happens while Phil is still alive in the hospital.  I want Jake to get the help he needs. 

And on another note, what is up with the other Jake's (Northwestern) father being missing?  Why haven't I heard anything about this before tonight?  I hope everything works out for him and his family, too. 

This episode really got to me, and I am trying to prepare myself for what is to come.  It's going to be hard.


Karen said...

I was so distressed last night when Jake told his dad he is an addict. I thought OMG this boy is going to feel like he was the cause of his dad's death. I hope they were able to make amends.

Frugal Vicki said...

Wow, I usually ignore the show when my hubby turns it on, but now I may watch it. I am addicted to Whale Wars now!

jenn said...

Karen ~ I know...my heart was breaking for both of them.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ you have to watch! There is so much going on this season. I saw the preview of next weeks episode, and it is the one I have been dreading. So, so sad.

Tammy said...

I use to watch years ago. I haven't been but I think I will have to. Or I may see if they are on DVD so I have the whole story.

Donnie said...

F.Y.I. They make up. I believe when Phil is in the hospital. I read this in a magazine back in March so take it for what's it's worth.
Next weeks show will finish it out for the Harris' though. I think the Cornelia will sit idly by, at least for awhile.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ you should definitely catch up.

jenn said...

Don ~ I'm happy to hear that. I think I read that the Cornelia Marie finished out the season, minus all the Harris'. I follow the boat on facebook, but they never said anything about Jake and Phil's fight. I am dreading watching next weeks episode. I know I will be crying.

Crystal said...

I've watched this before with Tim but not enough to follow along with what's happening. I do remember though that one of the captain's died not too long ago.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ my favorite captain died, and it's hard watching this season, knowing what is going to happen.

YummY! said...

That's not one I've ever watched any of.

jenn said...

YummY ~ I love this show...you should give it a watch sometime.