Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Teenagers.  I now have two living in my home.  My son Ryan is 14, and he has started testing his limits, and seeing how far he can push me, and his daddy.  Let's just say that I have a little more patience than Junior does.  Kasi just turned 13, so I am still waiting for those girly hormones to kick in.  So far, the worst thing we are facing is acne.

As of yet, I have not tried any special acne treatments.  I have reservations about using these creams that have chemicals and things in them.  I am hearing so much about this accutane lawsuit, which was filed by people who used the drug accutane to clear up their acne.  Turns out there are severe side effects that no one knew about.   I don't want my kids using something on their skin that can cause other problems, and the truth is that a lot of these products do have side effects.  Some a mild, but some can be life threatening. 

If their skin gets worse, I think I will look into some natural products that can help clear up their skin.


Forgetfulone said...

My twins just turned 14, so we're going to be facing the same issues as you!

jenn said...

Diana ~ Good luck! lol!