Sunday, June 13, 2010

This Is How It Looks Today

I. Am. In. Pain.

Yup, it seems to be getting worse before it gets better.  The only thing that seems to ease the burn is an actual burn cream that Junior got for me.  I haven't tried the vinegar yet, because I don't have any in the house and I forgot to get some at the store today.  Aloe makes it hurt worse, which is weird, but when I put it on, I had to pour an entire bottle of water on it to ease the burning as I wiped it off.  I have an after sun cream that is working on the rest of my chest and back and shoulders.

The funny thing is, today we were in the pool for about 6 hours (I know!) and it didn't hurt then.  I was, of course, covered in sunscreen.  I took this picture about five minutes ago.  I just got out of the shower, and put the burn cream on it...that's why it's shiny.

Is it crazy that I plan on spending a few more hours swimming tomorrow?


Dawn said...

That is really serious !! That is a second degree burn. You will be lucky if you don't end up in the ER. If you go in the pool tomorrow, I would really recommend wearing a t-shirt over you swimming suit. You don't need anymore sun. Really !!!! You probably won't get any sleep tonight. I will be thinking of you tonight, Jenn !!!!

LODS said...

Ouch! that's gotta hurt. I have my shares of what I call the pain of summer. I got heat rash. But my gosh that looks just painful. have you tried aloe vera the plant?works wonder.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I was told today that it was probably second degree. If I go to bed without shirt and cover, and a fan blowing on me, I can get some sleep. If not, I'll be on facebook later :)

jenn said...

LODS ~ I have an aloe gel that burns when I put it on. I need to get an aloe plant...maybe that will work better.

Dawn said...

Jenn ~ If it is that bad, please do me a favor and yourself.. don't go back in the sun tomorrow, okay? :)

I am going to bed, now !!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ no promises...but if I do, I will put on extra, extra sunblock.

stevebethere said...

That stopped me in my tracks, it looks quite nasty i hope you get it under control soon.

take care


carey said...

Hello, I used to have a bad sunburn on my face... I used egg white and I love the cool and soothing effect it has on my face. My reddish face was gone in few hours, the pain also was minimized and the next day my face was back to normal. whenever I cook eggs, I try to scrape the egg white from the inner shell and put in on my face for few minutes, it works like a facial mask. :)

Hope your sunburn will be healed soon... it really looks painful and uncomfortable.

jenn said...

Steve ~ it actually feels a bit better this morning, thanks.

jenn said...

carey ~ I have never heard of using egg white. Sounds like an interesting, and easy, solution. I might have to try that later. Thanks for the tip!

Sandy said...

If you go back out in the sun with that, I'm thinking the sun has done more damage than burning your arm. let me put it this way, if your child was burned like would you let them go back out in the sun? I think I know the answer to that, so....

Adding sun block to a burn like that can make it worse, you can get a secondary type infection. Aloe with cactus oil from a health food shop is like a wonder drug. Putting water on it, probably feels good but also is more damaging because it's drying you out. A cactus has the ability to keep juices/moisture inside and that's what you need to do your body. Applying lots of stuff can clog pours which can also make matters worse.

You can get more sun even in the car, so stay inside a couple of days.

You might even be allergic to something that was in the sun screen you did use when you got that burn.

6 hours in the pool...yikes, how's the rest of the family look?

Donna said...

You are a BAD little girl!!Lolol

Bet that HURTS!!
Feel better sweetie!

sandy said...

Popped back in from the other blog, sun reports?

I was also remembering something else the Derm I worked for yeas ago said, sunburn is an inflammation, you should take an anti-inflammatory when you get a nasty burn like that.


Sandi said...

trusty old pain killers help the pain. Take some ibuprofen. It might take the edge off. I have had burns like that WITH blisters. Each time you do you increase the risk of skin cancer. Watch those areas forever for discoloration or anything. I know I will....the faster you find it, the better a chance of getting rid of it before it becomes life threatening.

Isolated Existence. said...

One word! Ouch...

jenn said...

Sandy ~ I know I should stay inside, and that is what I plan on doing tomorrow. It is actually feeling a little better today, even though I spent a few of hours in the pool...but, when I floated, I laid on my tummy so my back got the I applied the sunscreen a couple of times...and I got out and sat under the gazebo for a while, so i didn't get steady's so hard to watch the others having fun and not participating...oh, and the kids are fine...I make sure they are fully protected...I guess I should do the same for myself.

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I know...I am a bad girl...but i was having so much fun! :D

jenn said...

Sandi ~ my problem this year is that the strap on my new bathing suit is thinner than anything I have ever worn before, so where I burned the worst is where the sun has never touched before. I know burns like this up the risk of skin cancer, so I also continually check myself.

It never even occurred to me to take an advil. Thanks for the advice. :)

jenn said...

Isolated Existence ~ yup. :)

Sandy said...

The advil actually does more then help with the pain, it reduces the inflammation.

I'm hoping you have a couple of rainy days so you're forced to stay in.

Sun damage is nothing to shake a finger at when it comes to Cancer, I've seen people loose their whole nose to it.


jenn said...

Sandy ~ I am staying in today...and maybe tomorrow, too. It really is doing better...I promise.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I'll second that! It hurt so bad!