Friday, June 25, 2010


 Last year, I switched this blog from a blogspot url to my own dot com.  At the time, I took the advice of a friend as to which host to use.  I haven't had any problems myself, but I have read on a lot of blogs that this particular hosting site has been hacked. 


This makes me a little nervous.  I renewed with them recently, so I think I might be stuck for the next two years.  I am just hoping that my account doesn't get hacked.  If it does, I guess I will spend some time reading webhosting reviews and deciding who else to go with. I know different sites offer different things, and all I need, basically, is my domain.  I still have my blog through blogger.  I know a lot of people prefer wordpress, but I do not know enough about the technical side of blogging to go that route.  It took me long enough to understand blogger, and they are pretty simple. 

Which site would you recommend I look into?


Dawn said...

I thought you were on blogspot! I have all of your blogs bookmarked and when I go to them, it shows a "B" in the URL, so I thought they were on blog spot. I was wrong obviously. I have used blog spot once. I always had somebody design my 'blog' and all of that. I just knew how to sign in and upload and post. Now, I am using square space and love it. I have a blogging friend and she uses Word press. On square space, it has lots of features. I don't know them all yet. lol You might want to check them out. I don't know how much you pay a month for your hosting now. Karen, has changed her square space from a single user to a multi user account and I am not sure how much it is. I send her an amazon email gift card for $20 every other month. I don't think that is too bad at all. I am sure you really did your homework and research before you signed up with whoever you are using now. I hope you are never hacked !!!!!!!!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ my blog is on blogger, but I own my own domain (dot com instead of I don't pay monthly hosting (blogspot is free), I just pay yearly for the domain name. I was thinking of finding a paid host, but have been hearing such horror stories.

Dawn said...

Oh, okay. I am with you !! lol

I registered my dot coms with godaddy. I hosted my domains with I just checked.. they aren't there anymore. I moved from them after a year. I moved to somebody else, I can't remember who. They weren't reliable. But, my web designer recommended them. They did there updates at night. Sometimes they would have problems (most of the time).

I certainly hope you don't get hacked, for sure !!!!! I never got hacked, but my second host.. was not reliable.

My friend, who is hosting me on square, she has been there for over 5 years and never has a problem. Good luck !! :)

Oh, I get your comments... emailed to me !! :)

Dawn said...

I forgot, I also used Expression Engine, instead of blogger. I loved it !! But, at the time, it cost for the license. I don't know if it still does... hmmmm.

Dawn said...

I just checked about expression engine. You can use the core free. That is really all you need. You might want to take a look at it. I really loved EE. Sometimes people don't like change, though!