Tuesday, July 27, 2010

After The Storm

We were driving home yesterday right after a pretty good thunderstorm.  The sun was trying to come out from behind the clouds, and it was absolutely beautiful. Don't you agree? I asked Junior to pull over so I could get some pictures, and he was such a good sport.  By now, he is used to me pulling out my camera and taking pictures of whatever strikes my fancy.


Forgetfulone said...

What a gorgeous photo! I do the same thing with my camera!

Unknown said...

Wow, that shadow looks like it could be from an angel's wing.

Stacie said...

That is gorgeous!!

jenn said...

Diana ~ I have just started this recently, but am loving the shot I have been able to capture.

jenn said...

FishHawk ~ what a beautiful thought.

jenn said...

Stacie ~ thank you!

Unknown said...

This is truly an amazing and beautiful picture!


Tracy said...

Great pic!

Vixen said...

That is absolutely gorgeous!

jenn said...

Lydia ~ thank you! I think so too. :)

jenn said...

Tracy ~ thanks!

jenn said...

Vixen ~ thank you! I have so many more shots from the same storm...maybe I'll post some more.