Friday, July 30, 2010

Brandi And Hayley

I have three kids.  My son is 14, and he is obsessed with anything electronic.  My 13 year old daughter loves scary movies, and my 8 year old daughter still plays with toys.  Most of the time, she carries around her favorite baby doll, Hayley.  This doll looks like a real baby, and there have been several times when we've been in a grocery store, and people think she is real.  It's actually pretty funny when they realize she's a doll.

Ryan and Kasi got rid of a lot of their toys the last time we moved.  I think the only things they saved were the legos and lincoln logs, which I didn't have a problem with.  I love toys that encourage them to use their imaginations, and building with legos does just that.  Even though they are no longer toddlers, educational play is still important.   I remember when they were really little, their favorite things to play with were the toys that made them think.  You know the ones, where they had to push a button or move a lever to make a character would pop up.  Or putting a key in a lock to open a door.  Even the simplest things like playing with dolls or having a tea party will teach kids something. 

For Brandi, I think Hayley is teaching her how to be a good mom, which will hopefully come in handy someday.  I just hope that day is at least 15 years away.


Lilysgramma said...

One word... EEEEWWWWW!

Man, I sure wouldn't pick that thing up, but that's just me. :) Thanks for sharing because it really is fascinating!

jenn said...

Lilygramma ~ I am assuming you are talking about the praying mantis is the picture (post) above, and not my daughter, right? lol!

~Jenn~ said...

funny to read this post today, because i've been thinking about "weeding" out the kids toys from the playroom. they have wayyy too much stuff and really they have probably outgrown a lot of the toys. but i'm not sure i'm really feeling up to it. lol they don't seem to mind when we get rid of things... or dontate them or yard sale them... they are pretty good with it. thankfully. so that also helps to know it's time to get rid of some things, when they don't want them any more why oh why are we still keeping them?? & Brooke really loves herself some baby dolls. she has this one, that is kind of scary looking... "Big Baby Cita" lol she named her and she LOVES her. she plays with her all the time. :)

~Jenn~ said...

n i had to LOL at your comment Jenn... i'm most positive that NO one could ever talk about brandi like that. :)

jenn said...

Jenn ~ There are certain toys I just can't get rid all their baby I gave them to my mom to keep at her house for all my little nieces and nephews to play with. And I have a feeling Hayley will still be sitting on Brandi's bed when she is grown and married with kids of her own. I can't talk, though, because I still have the cabbage patch kid I got for my 12th birthday sitting on my dresser.

jenn said...

Oh, and yeah, I know she wasn't referring to Brandi, but it was pretty funny to see that comment on this post :)