Thursday, July 29, 2010

Five More Months Until Christmas

I can not believe Christmas is only five months away.

I asked the girls today what they wanted, and Santa is going to have to win the lottery to get them what they asked for.  Brandi said she wanted an underwater camera and an underwater video camera.  (it might have had something to do with us being in mom's pool at the time)  Kasi wants a DSi, but I think I might try and talk her out of it.  We have a playstation and a wii, and she doesn't really play either one, so I don't think she'd use the DSi.  But, if she really wants it, I guess I'll have to see about getting her one.

I'm scared to ask Ryan what he wants...


Stacie said...

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I am already hearing what my son wants from Santa.

jenn said...

Stacie ~ I said the same thing to my mom today. She said the older you get, the faster time goes by, and I believe it!