Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm Beat

For the first time all week, we were able to spend a few hours in the pool today.  We went to mom's Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday, and everyday, as soon as we got in the pool, the thunderstorms rolled in.  Finally today, the storms held off, and we were able to swim for a few hours.  The sun was hot, which means I am now exhausted.  I don't know why being in the sun drains all my energy, but it does.  We're going back tomorrow to help mom get some yard work done.  We're having a family pool party Saturday, and she wants the yard looking good, and we are more than happy to help her out.

We just have to hope that there are no storms tomorrow...


Stacie said...

At least you finally got a chance to swim for awhile. I had my daughter out in the pool yesterday and again today it's suppose to rain. Sigh... I really am tired of the rain this summer already.

jenn said...

Stacie ~ I am hoping we can swim again today...I have my fingers crossed the storms stay away!