Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Think I Want To Get An Online Degree

I am once again thinking about getting a real job.  I keep going back and forth with it, listing the pros and cons.  One of the biggest cons is that I probably won't make much money even if I did get a job, because I would most likely have to go back to fast food or a supermarket, and neither of those jobs pays much.  In reality, Junior would probably spent my paychecks in gas getting me back and forth to work. 

What I should do is look into an Online college and see about getting an Online degree. I am pretty sure i could get a better paying job if I had a degree, but I have no idea what I would want to go to school for.  I went to college for a few semesters after high school, and I was studying early childhood development, but I am not sure if that is what I still want to do.  I think I want to look into getting an Online college degree in graphic design, but I'm not sure if I am artistic enough for that.

I guess for now I am just going to continue working from home, and considering going back to school.  I wonder if I would qualify for a grant or something to help pay for it? 

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