Friday, July 2, 2010

My Beautiful Brandi Rose

Sometimes, words are not needed....


BK said...

So very true; sometimes words are not needed! She is truly beautiful.

kat said...

I absolutely agree...she is so cute. I wish i have a daughter ha ha. my kids are all boys.

Thanks for the ads here.

Have a great weekend.

Donna said...

Loving this!! She's Beautiful Jenn!! Hug her Lots!!
Love the coloring!!

jenn said...

Thank you BK! She's my baby (at 8! lol), and has me completely wrapped around her finger.

jenn said...

kat ~ thank you! My sister has all boys too...four of them! I know I am blessed to have a son and daughters. Have a safe weekend!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I read your comment at my mom's before, and I grabbed brandi and hugged her like crazy, and she asked what it was for...I told her that you told me to do it, and she just looked at me like I was nuts! lol!

Frugal Vicki said...

Oh my gosh, no, words are not needed on that beautiful picture! Such a natural beauty that she has, too!

jenn said...

Thank you Vicki ~ I think so, too!