Thursday, August 5, 2010

Elmer's Virtual Bag It Forward

Anna passed along a virtual bag of school supplies to me, and I have to tell you, I think this is an awesome idea!  

I still haven't bought all of the supplies my kids need.  I got a few things, but then ran out of money.  School supplies for three kids can get expensive! I was able to take advantage of all of Walmart's awesome prices.  Junior and I always stock up on notebooks ($.15 each) and crayons ($.20 a box). Last year, we had a horrible time finding compositions books (you know, the black and white notebooks) so when Walmart put them out a few weeks ago at $.25 each, we bought a bunch.

It's the binders and filler paper and backpacks and pencil pouches and glue sticks and mechanical pencils (because apparently it's cooler to use those than regular pencils) and scientific calculators and English/Spanish dictionaries that really add up!
This Back to School season, Elmer’s is celebrating it’s every day low pricing on back to school supplies at Walmart by partnering with Adopt-A-Classroom to help make a difference in classrooms across the country.

Elmer’s will donate up to $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom with your participation. Join now!

The Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward is charity blog meme, bloggers are able to raise $10 per blog post for Adopt-A-Classroom by writing a blog post or Facebook note and donating a virtual bag of school supplies . Elmer’s will donate $10 per each post written for Adopt-A-Classroom, up to $10,000.

HOW CAN YOU JOIN? It’s easy.

  • Participate in the Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward by giving away a virtual bag of school supplies and creating a blog post or Facebook note with specific rules described below.
  • Elmer’s will donate up to $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom.
  • You can give as many virtual bags as you want.
  • The Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward will officially begin at 12 AM EST on July 22, 2010 and end at 12 PM EST on August 12, 2010. Blog posts submitted to us before or after that time period will not be counted.
  • The blog post link has to be submitted in the comment section [on the Elmer's Bag It Forward page] for your participation to be counted.
  • In addition copy and paste the following text into your blog post:


  • Copy and paste these rules into your blog post or Facebook note.
  • Create a post giving a “virtual bag of school supplies” to other bloggers or write about your Back to School shopping trip at Walmart.
  • Link back to the person who gave you a bag of school supplies.
  • Let each person you are giving a virtual bag of school supplies know you have given them a bag.
  • Leave your link in the Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward comment section. You can also find the official rules of this virtual #bagitforward program there.
  • Elmer’s is donating $10 for each blog participating in the Virtual Bag It Forward Donation to Adopt-A-Classroom (up to total of $10,000 for blog posts written by August 12, 2010).
  • Please note that only one blog post per blog url will count towards the donation.
Elemer's Walmart, charity
Read more about Adopt-A-Classroom

I am going to pass along a virtual bag of school supplies to all the moms out there who have kids returning to school.  I want everyone to write a post so $10 can be donated from each blog.  This is an awesome cause, people.  let's give as much to it as we can!

Let me know if you post about this, and I'll give you a bunch of link love!


bcmomtoo said...

This is definitely one of the coolest things out there right now!

I forgot about the mechanical pencils. Yep, my kids had to have those, too - and buying the cheap ones was no good, because they'd end up breaking. And we were always having to buy lead, too.

This year Cory wanted these certain pens - and we found them for 19 cents for a 2-pack a few weeks ago at Walgreens. We now have 12 packages. He better not run out any time soon. Maybe he can even make it through college with those pens? :P

jenn said...

Anna ~ I like to use specific pens, too. I actually have a color coded system for keeping track of the opps I for inpostlinks, green for ppp, black for ss, blue for blogsvertise, and purple for sponsored reviews...and I like this specific brand of gel pens that come in those five colors.

What's funny is that I bought a bunch of the composition notebooks and a case of the one subjects when they first hit the shelves, and when I checked the kids supply lists, none of my kids need them this year. They all need binders and filler paper. Walmart has the paper for $.75 a pack (200 sheets) but i am hoping to find it cheaper before school starts back. I have to get about 16 packs, and that adds up! (plus, I'm seriously just really cheap! lol)