Thursday, August 5, 2010

No More Squinting Because Of The Sun

I love to swim.  I really do.  Sometimes, I like to just float around in the pool, soaking up the sun, but most of the time, I am in the water with the kids, having fun.  Since the beginning of summer, I have been taking my glasses off before getting into the water.  It makes it a lot easier to go under the water if I don't have to worry about them.  The only problem is that I can not see, and the sun is really, really bright bouncing off the water.

When we were in the pool yesterday, I was getting in and out a lot to check on the steak that was on the grill.  I kept having to put my glasses back on, and then take them off, and at one point, I got into the pool with them still on.  It was interesting to actually be able to see in the water!  Now I think I want to buy a pair of prescription sunglasses to wear in the pool.   I found this really cool pair at ZenniOptical.  What do you think?
Pretty funky, right?  There is no way I would wear them in public, but I would totally wear them in the pool.  I mean, they're purple!  I also found a bunch of "normal" frames that I would wear in public, and because they are so reasonably priced, I could get more than one pair. 

Maybe I'll get these to wear in public:
They are pretty nice, right?  I think I could pull these off.  They are the same shape as my regular glasses, so I know they'll fit my face.  All I know is that it will be nice to be able to see while blocking out the sun. 


StaceyC4 said...

When I couldn't wear my contacts, I would wear sunglasses OVER my glasses because I couldn't afford the prescription sunglasses. It was only a little awkward but worked!

Unknown said...

Show us some good dude shades!

Is Varnet(sp) still around? I will google it:>)

You all are the best family. If we all could reproduce like ya-all'


jenn said...

Stacey ~ I've done that before, too. I tried wearing contacts one time, and I could not stand knowing there was something in my eye. I'm crazy, I know. :)

jenn said...

Don ~ got it! Next time, I'll show some shades that my husband might wear.

And not to showcase my stupidity, but what does PLU mean?

Tammy said...

I really like the pink/purple ones. I wear contacts all the time. Then my sunglasses. Have fun in the pool.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I wish I could get over my aversion to contacts, then I could just buy a pair of sunglasses at the dollar store.

redkathy said...

I like the purple shades Jenn. If it wasn't for my red hair, I'd wear those babies in public... must be a generation thing ;)

jenn said...

redkathy ~ I would wear them, too, but my kids would not want to be seen with me! Then again, I do love embarrassing them...btw, I mailed out the ice cream coupons today, so keep an eye out for it!

sandy said...

I always wear my prescription sunglasses in the water. And a hat and even then still squint some. I can't stand that much light, am light sensitive. It's very very hard on your eyes. So, I highly recommend you get them. I wouldn't be able to navigate without mine.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Aurora LOVES purple too! Her glasses have purple frames also.

jenn said...

Sandy ~ I have to do something...again today, I found it most comfortable to close my eyes in the pool, and that doesn't work when I am watching three kids.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ if I was her age, I think everything I wore would be purple! lol!