Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am Over My Addiction! (At Least For Now)

 Do you have an addictive personality?  I'm afraid that I do.  When I find something I like, I do it (or eat it!) until I can't stand it anymore.  I used to be this way about all the games online, but I have finally grown tired of most of them.  In fact, there is only one game that I still play on a regular basis, but not everyday.  It's nice not worrying about feeding my pets or my food spoiling. 

I think I might have passed my love of games onto my kids, though, which may not be a good thing.  My son especially spends a lot of time playing online, though now that school has started back, I limit his daily computer time to 90 minutes, unless he is working on homework.  I have the same rule for the girls, but they usually just spend a few minutes online a day.

Junior will occasionally get online, but he isn't too interested in playing the games the kids and I like.  He would rather play card games or slots.  I usually don't have a problem with this, as long as he doesn't play on "real money" sites.  There are websites that list the best sites to gamble at, and they help you to find places to do some Online Gambling UK.  I make sure that Junior stays away from these sites, because we don't have an extra money for him to be gambling.  Playing for fun is one thing, but gambling can become addictive, and I don't need him developing my addictive personality.

One of us in the house is enough.

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