Monday, August 30, 2010

Finally, A Relaxing Weekend!

 I know Summer is coming to en end, and as much as I don't want it to, a part of me is looking forward to the lazy Fall days ahead.  This past weekend, we were supposed to spend Saturday and Sunday at my mom's house, but Saturday morning, a friend of Junior's called and asked if he could help move a building, so he went and did that.  Made an easy $80, so it was worth it.  He took Ryan with him, which left me and the girls home alone.

Kasi and I found a scary movie to watch while Brandi was playing with her play-doh.  This kid goes through phases, where she will play with one thing for days on end, and then suddenly switch to something else.  Right now, it's play-doh.  She has been building with it and pretend cooking with it and using her imagination in some awesome ways. 

On Sunday, we did go to my mom's.  Ryan and Junior worked while the girls swam.  I got in the pool for a little while, but I was so tired I fell asleep on a float, which is not a good thing to do when watching kids.  So I got out and decided to spend some time with Dean Koontz.
I have read just about all of his books, except the Frankenstein series.  A few months ago when the 4th book came out, I decided to start reading it.  I was able to find one book that had the first three books in it (a collection of sorts) and I haven't been able to put it down.  I was expecting a re-telling of the old Frankenstein, but that's not what this is.  This is a modern day story that has completely sucked me in.  I am almost finished with the second book, and can't wait to see how this all ends.


Annette said...

I read the first three in the Frankenstein series in about a week, I had no idea a 4th was out! Time to go back to the bookstore!

jenn said...

Annette ~ the 4th is called lost souls...I'm almost done with the 3rd and ready to start reading it.