Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Give Up!

I think this is the best I am going to get. 

I tried once again to get a decent picture of the three of them, but I think it's too early in the morning for happy faces.  I wouldn't be happy if someone was trying to take my picture at 6:15 am.  heck, I'm never happy having my picture taken.  Maybe they get that from me.


Retinna Bell said...

They're so cute! How sweet. Yeah, maybe a lunchtime photo will be a lot happier. :^)

jenn said...

Retinna Bell ~ thanks. I think they're pretty cool, too.

Forgetfulone said...

They look great! And of course, Brandi is probably more excited than Ryan or Kasi because for her, school is still fun! Except for the spill she took. Hope she's feeling better from that.

jenn said...

Diana ~ she is, thank goodness.