Friday, August 20, 2010

I Want One!

 The last time we went camping, we set up two different tents, plus our gazebo.  One of the tents held just food, and the other one was where the kids and I slept.  Junior rigged up an air conditioner in the door, so it stayed pretty cool inside, but we only ran it at night.  Junior ended up sleeping in the van because of his bi-pap machine. 

I can't help but think how much easier camping would be if we had an RV.  We would be able to keep the food at a constant temp, without having to use coolers and ice, and we would have somewhere that we could all sleep together.  We would also have somewhere close to use the bathroom, instead of having to hike to the public restrooms in the middle of the night.

I dream about owning an RV like the one pictured.  Isn't it beautiful?  There are so many different rvs for sale, it's going to be hard picking out the perfect one for us.  I am not picky, so anything that can sleep the five of us comfortably and has air conditioning would be fine with me.


Joanna said...

I really want an RV too, or at least a popup camper. A friend of ours bought a camper and it looks like so much fun!

jenn said...

Joanna ~ we've considered a pop-up, but I just don't think it would be big enough for the five of us.

Erik said...

Here's a shot of our baby:
Not quite the one you have pictured, but it works for us!

jenn said...

Erik ~ I LOVE it! Can't wait to see side two!