Friday, August 20, 2010

My Poor Baby Girl!

Yesterday, I got a phone call from the nurse at Brandi's school.  She said Brandi had taken a spill during creative movement (dance class) and was pretty upset.  I asked what happened, and she said Boo was doing a cartwheel, and ended up landing flat on her back on the gym floor.  I asked if she was broken (yes, that is exactly what I asked!) and the nurse laughed and said no, she wasn't broken, but she did have a pretty good sized red spot on her back.  I asked to talk to her, and when she got on the phone, she was pretty upset.  I felt so bad for her!  She said the nurse gave her ice to put on her back, and that she was wanting to go back to class.  You can kind of see in the picture where the red spot is on her lower back.  I took this picture yesterday, and looking at it this morning, it looks like it might bruise.

My poor baby!


Kristin said...

aw, poor girl! I do see the red spot! :( Feel better, Brandi!!

Sheila Sultani said...

I hate when kids get hurt at school. I feel horrible like they needed me and I wasn't there. I usually end up running up to the school just to make sure they're ok.

jenn said...

Kristin ~ Thanks! I'll pass that along to her.

jenn said...

Sheila Sultani ~ I felt the same way! I offered to go up to the school, but she just wanted to go back to class.

Elaine said...

Give her a big hug and kiss for us. Hope she's feeling better today!

* Michael * said... hurts. It must be frightening to get any call from school during school time. Wish Brandi speedy recovery.

sandy said...

Surprised she let you take a picture of her back side to post on the net.
Kids heal so quickly; not like us old farts. lol
Good she didn't break the skin.
I never did learn how to do a cartwheel when I was a kid, though I always wanted to.

jenn said...

Elaine ~ you saw for yourself yesterday that nothing slows her down!

jenn said...

Thanks Michael!

jenn said...

Sandy ~ Brandi doesn't mind having her picture taken. It's my other two monsters who don't cooperate. In fact, Brandi wants me to take pictures of every single "boo boo" she gets to blog about.