Thursday, August 19, 2010

American Public University

Going back to school can be a difficult decision to make, especially if you are a mom.  I know I have been struggling with it for quite some time now.  My kids are old enough now where I do not have to cater to their every need, and they are all in school during the day.  I know now is the perfect time to start focusing on myself, and better my education.  I have been giving a lot of thought to what I would want to study, and I am leaning towards something to do with writing.  I don't want to be the next great novelist, but maybe I could better my grammar and understanding of the English language enough to get a real job writing articles for magazines, or something like that.

I was actually inspired by my sister who recently enrolled in college.  She just turned 30 and has two young children, one of which is under a year old.  She works full time, and is still finding the time to go to school.  I think if I finally decide to do this, I would want to go to school online, just because it would fit into my lifestyle easier.  One of the major thing to consider is what school I want to go to.

I was asked to write about American Public University, so of course I read up on what they have to offer, and to be honest, I was impressed.  They offer monthly courses instead of semester courses, and the classes are 100% online.  If you are like me and took a few college courses when you graduated high school, some of those credits may be transferable.  I am not sure how many of mine would be since it was about 20 years ago, but it's worth looking into.  Back then I was focusing on Early Childhood Development, and as much as I still love kids, I'm not sure that is the direction I want to take right now.
Another obstacle standing in my way is the cost of going to school.  I am pretty sure that I could qualify for some type of grant, seeing as how I am a mom, and my husband doesn't make very much money.  That said, the tuition is very reasonable.  For an undergraduate, it's only $750 for a three credit course.  (they have not increased undergraduate fees in over 10 years)  Graduate courses are $900 for a three credit course. 

These are just a few of the highlights of attending American Public University.  For more information, click here.  You can even chat live with mothers who are currently attending the University, and hear how they are making it work in their busy lives.  Helenjene Curtis is going for a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and will be live chatting on Tuesday, August 24 at 8pm ET.  Jenn Deater is working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management, and will be live chatting on Thursday, August 26 at 12pm ET.  You can follow the link above to find information about registering to chat with either (or both!) of these ladies.  I am sure they will have lots of interesting tidbits to share about how they are juggling family, careers, and studying.

I requested some information from the University to learn more about the 100+ degrees and certificates they offer, and hopefully I will be able to pinpoint exactly what I want to study. 

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of American Public University. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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