Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm Not Yet "Branded". Or At Least I Don't Think I Am

I have been reading a lot about how to make my blog better, and one of the things that I find in article after article is that I should have my own "brand".   I should have something that I am known for, that people will think of me when they see it. 

Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what that means.  I have tried to figure it out by reading more articles, but all this technical stuff is way above my head.  If you know me at all, you know that the only way I will ever understand all of this is if I hire an interactive marketing agency and let them do all the work for me. Then they could just explain it all to me when I am "known", and I'll pretend to understand it all.  They can talk about how they marketed and branded me, or how they redid my blog to be all welcoming and easy to navigate.  I'll just nod along like I know what they are talking about.

Then I'll just leave it all in their capable hands forever.  I mean, if it's what they do, why not let them do it for me?

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