Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Slightly Frustrated

We registered Ryan for school today.  Normally, this takes at least 90 minutes, and with Junior getting off work at 1, and having to be at therapy by 4, I knew we would be tight on time.

Junior got home by 1:30, so off we went.  The school's website said we would tour the school, meet the teachers, get books and lockers, pay fess...all that good stuff.  I knew I would have to track down the nurse, because Ryan takes his ADHD medicine every day, and I needed to hand her his pills.  I also had questions about tutoring, since last year he was in a different school, and I wasn't sure if this school offered the same programs.

Well, imagine how ticked off I was to discover that NONE of the teachers were actually at the school.  In the past, we would pick up the kids schedules, and then meet each teacher...find out what supplies they need, what they should expect and what is expected of them, get email addresses, plus I really wanted to find out about tutoring. 

The computers had a "glitch" this morning, so the kids couldn't get their books or lockers.  I am still trying to figure out why they needed the computers up to give out lockers and books, but I guess they have their reasons.  Now, Ryan has to wait until the first day of school to do all of that.  I was able to find the nurse and hand in his medication, which was nice.

I hate that I still have questions, though.  I don't want to wait until Ryan falls behind to get him into tutoring...I truly believe that he needs help from the get-go.  I hope they offer it at this school...otherwise, I don't know what we'll do.

Oh, and all of this took about 15 minutes, not the hour and a half I was anticipating.  Needless to say, we made it to therapy with time to spare.


Mrs. Carney said...

I know it's not ideal, but he can always call me and I can do my best to answer his questions or explain something. =)

jenn said...

Thanks Terra! We'll keep that in mind.

Donna said...

I Also hope you joined the PTA!! I have a feeling you're 'gonna Need to!
I would be One Pi**ed Mamma!! NO Teaxhers bothered to show????

YummY! said...

Its sad when a computer glitch stops things from happening that can TOTALLY be done WITHOUT a computer.

I can't beleive none of his teachers were there. Why even bother having an open house?

Frugal Vicki said...

I would be pretty upset none of the teachers showed up. It seems that all of the schools preach how important parent involvement is, but they don't do a whole lot to help that process along!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ It amazed me that there were no teachers...and no PTA table, either. Just the nurse, bus, cafeteria, and the people who were collecting the fees. I am just hoping that once school starts, my questions will be answered.

jenn said...

Yummy ~ it was crazy! The "staff member" I talked to said that they needed the computers to give out lockers, which I don't understand at all. The books are one thing, because like the library, they scan each book as they hand it out (I found this out today) but the lockers? Ridiculous.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ That's what I'm saying! This is my first time dealing with the high school level, but it really ticked me off that I couldn't speak to the teachers. Ryan has a few special things that I needed to address with them, and now I am going to have to do it through email once school starts. Not an ideal situation, but easier than trying to schedule six different teacher conferences.