Monday, August 2, 2010

A Little Rant To Start Off The Week

Do you want to know what bugs me?  Well, even if you don't, I'm still going to tell you.  I absolutely hate it when people take advantage of my husband.  I don't want to get into the specifics, but there is a certain friend of our family who only calls Junior when he needs something.  Remember when Junior's hand got infected a few weeks ago and he was facing surgery?  Before that, this friend was having Junior do a lot of work for him. Since then, this guy hasn't even called to see if Junior's hand has healed.  Nothing.

Last night when we got home, there was a message from this guy's wife, wanting Junior to call them.  He did, and they didn't even ask how his hand was, they just wanted to know where he got the parts the last time he fixed their car because the check engine light had come on, and they were having the car looked at.  Now, Junior has been the only one to work on their cars for years.  Now, suddenly, they want to take it to an auto shop?  Whatever.

I told Junior not to worry about it, but I know it hurt his feelings.  These are people we are fairly close with.  I keep reminding him that this is not the first time they have distanced themselves from us, and I know that eventually, they will need him to do something so they will call again.

Last week, on the way to my mom's house, we happened to be driving by their house, and the guy was outside, so we stopped.  There was a Ford F-50 in their yard that Junior didn't recognize, and when he asked about it, the guy just blew him off.  We didn't think anything about it at the time, but now Junior is thinking that this guy found someone else to do his work for him while Junior's hand was healing, and now he has no need for Junior.  The way I see it, I don't care if he takes his cars to a San Diego auto repair shop to have it fixed.  He just better not expect Junior to fix it next time.  People down South always say that you should never burn your bridges, because you never know when you will need to go back across one.  In my opinion, these people have burned their bridge with Junior, and it is going to take a lot of fixing to make things right.


Sandi said...

That's just not right. I think you are right. They have taken advantage of your husband. I wouldn't give them another chance, but that's me. Sounds very rude!

jenn said...

Sandi ~ we have said over and over that we should just walk away, but they are like grandparents to my kids, so we give them chance after chance. I think we are close to the point of being done, though, because really, enough is enough.

Crystal said...

User's normally act that way. Burn the bridge. There is always people out there that care more about the person than material things or what they can get out u.

Wilmaryad said...

Ah, Mrs. Jenn. You seem to be in good company. Some people, nowadays, dare call themselves friends, while they only call upon you to vent, to ask for a favor, or to kill time when nobody is willing to listen to their 'problems.' I'm cutting short all of those so-called friendships. Your husband seems like a brave man, and brave men don't rub shoulders with selfish profiteers. Stay strong.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it's like a pattern with these people. They will go months without speaking to us at all, and then go months where they are calling several times a day, wanting Junior to do all kinds of work for them. They do pay him when he works for them, and my kids call them grandma and grandpa, so it's hard to break ties completely. We've known them for years...they are just weird, I guess.

jenn said...

Wilmaryad ~ I think that is the reason I do not have any close girlfriends...I am not one to put up with peoples bullshit. I am all for supporting my friends when they have a problem, but that is not the ONLY time I want to hear from them. Know what I mean?

Wilmaryad said...

I know exactly what you mean, since I have always experienced it. Someone I really considered as a good friend disappointed me more than once, and the other day, he had the audacity to send me an Instant Message saying "Why can't I find you whenever I need you?" I was tempted to reply "Funny. I have often asked myself this question, too.", but decided to (once again) take the high road. My taking the high road this time, however, consisted of ignoring the person altogether. The 911 friend I was wants reciprocity or nothing, from now on.

Tammy said...

You don't need people like that for a friend. When it becomes work it's no fun. I have a few I have crossed off our list this year because we always have to do the calling and asking over and much much more. I just don't have time for that.

jenn said...

Wilmaryad ~ it gets frustrating, doesn't it? I wish more people were like us...people who want to be appreciated for just being a friend.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I think that is why I have few friends...I stopped calling them when it became me doing all the calling, and then nothing. Friendship is a two way street that doesn't work when one person gives and the other person only takes.

Wilmaryad said...

It's our fault, too, Jenn. We accustomed those people by never saying NO! I think we're borderline people pleasers. Uh huh.

jenn said...

Wilmaryad ~ you are so right. I hardly ever say no. Maybe that needs to be my new word!

Wilmaryad said...

Saying No entails some sacrifice, but it is the key to Freedom.

Frugal Vicki said...

That is infuriating. I know that I am stubborn, but if people burn their bridge with me...I don't often let it get repaired. I have had too many experiences where I just get hurt again.