Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Not Even 10:30 pm And My House Is Quiet...That Must Mean School Starts Back Soon

That's right.  The kids go back to school two weeks from today, so tonight, we kind of started back with bedtimes.  I made Brandi lay down at 10pm, instead of her usual staying up with me until Junior gets up at 2:15am.  I'm not sure if she's actually asleep, but she hasn't gotten up, so that's a good sign.  Ryan and Kasi are quietly watching television in their rooms, but those will be turned off at 11pm.  I want them to be used to going to bed a little earlier, since we will be getting up at 5:30am again everyday very soon.

I am not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to having the house to myself for a few hours everyday.  That hasn't happened all Summer, and boy, do I need some alone time.


Tammy said...

We can't start school till after Labor day. So we have a little longer. I get to stay in bed a little longer when there is no school and I always miss that. Back to a schedule soon.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ That's how it was in NY where I went to took me a while to get used to the southern school years.

Unknown said...

Amen to that!!

jenn said...

Lydia ~ :)

Frugal Vicki said...

We are night owls too, but my son is starting an earlier preschool this year, so it is earlier bedtimes for us as well! It is just so much easier to let them stay up with us, isn't it?