Tuesday, September 28, 2010

KNOW Magazine For Kids

Brandi loves hands on learning.  She loves doing projects for school where she has to create things.  She also loves reading (she gets that from me).  Every night, she has to read for 30 minutes as part of her homework.  Most nights, she reads for longer.  She loves taking what she has read, and applying it to her life.  I think this is one of the traits that got her accepted into the gifted and talented program at her school.

When I was asked if I would like to review a science magazine geared towards kids her age, I knew I had to do it.  It's called KNOW magazine, and I just looked over their most recent edition online, and I have to say, Brandi is going to love this!
The edition I looked at was all about shapes and patterns.  Brandi has been studying patterns in school recently, so this is the perfect way to reinforce that knowledge.  The articles in the magazine are well written, and age appropriate.  That said, I even learned some interesting facts!  I had no idea that people who lived thousands of years ago used ostrich eggs to carry water, and that they marked the shells with pictures so others knew that the shells belonged to them.  Kind of like writing our names on stuff now.  Call me a geek, but I find that pretty interesting.  I also learned a little about corral, like how they use sound to find their way to the reefs.  I was truly sucked in, so I have no doubt that Brandi will love this magazine.  I can't wait for the next edition to be delivered.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by  Mom Central on behalf of Mad Science and received the products necessary to  facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me  for taking the time to participate."


Duni said...

Yay for Brandi!!!
Wish they had a cool magazine like that when I was a child.

P.s. thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, Jenn. Much appreciated!

jenn said...

Duni ~ she loved it...I am really looking forward to receiving my free issues.

Christy said...

Oh my goodness! Braeden (almost 7) would LOVE this, his birthday is coming up and I know what I'm adding to his other present now!

jenn said...

Christy ~ I am sure any kid would love this magazine...I mean, even I found it interesting.