Thursday, September 30, 2010

Four More Months And This Will Be Mine!

 I can not wait until February.  Not only is it my birthday month, it is also when we get our income tax refund every year.  Usually we spend that money on bills and car maintenance and underwear.  All the things we kind of put off during the year because we don't have the extra money.  This year, though, I am spending some money on myself.  I plan on buying this:
Isn't it beautiful?  I love it because it's purple, but also because it will allow me to be mobile.  I will no linger have to ask Ryan to borrow his laptop when we go to the library or McDonald's.  Yes, I love to play on Facebook while the kids play in the play land. 

I also plan on buying a new desk top computer, because mine is driving me crazy.  I can't tell you how many times I have been in the middle of a post and the whole thing shuts down on me.  Or I get booted offline.  And don't even get me started on how slow it can be sometimes when I have to restart it.  I yell at it several times a day.  The kids think I'm a little nuts.

Of course, just because I will have the money to buy new computers doesn't mean that I want to pay full price.  I plan on taking advantage of as many discounts as I can.  I found some really good Dell deals from, and I am hoping that when the time comes, I can take advantage of them.   I wish I had the money now to at least buy the desk top, but I have learned that patience is a virtue.  I know that having to wait will make me appreciate them all the more when I can finally afford them.

Do you think I can find a purple monitor for my new desktop?


Dawn said...

I love the purple lap top !! I hope your desktop makes it until February. I have a dell desktop. I love Dell !!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I yell at my computer constantly! My friend was over the other day, and my computer crashed when I was in the middle of a paid post. I literally screamed some very bad words at it. My friend says it's a good thing I don't work in an office :)

Vixen said...

Oooh beautiful purple laptop....Good luck waiting that long!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

I just bought a netbook in this color. I'm seriously thinking about bedazzling the hell out of it! My husband had to take it to a meeting yesterday because his computer wasn't charged. I'm still giggling to myself.

jenn said...

Vixen ~ I have been wanting this for a LOOOONG time, so a few more months shouldn't be too hard. :)

jenn said...

Jennie ~ Ohhhhh...bedazzling! I bet that would be awesome!