Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Cleaning Time!

I have gotten so much done this week around my house.  For some reason, I have been in cleaning mode, and with cleaning comes organizing!  I think it has something to do with the changing of the seasons, although our weather hasn't changed at all.  We are still going to be in the low 90's today.  The weather man says we might be in the high 70's by Sunday, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Anyway, with my house being so small, everything has it's place, and when things aren't out away, it can get pretty cluttered.  We have a storage building in the yard, but it's not big enough to hold everything I need it to.  Junior is trying to talk me into renting a storage building from Storage Milton Keynes, but I am determined to organize things around here better so that we don't have to.   My biggest problem is my kitchen. 

As you can see, this little corner of my kitchen has become a storage area.  These totes are filled with toys from the girls room.  On of them has Barbie dolls in it, and one of the others has Little People.  I am not sure what the on on the bottom has in it (probably junk!), and then the little one in front is filled with Brandi's snacks that she takes to school.  That was the best idea I ever had, too.  Whenever I food shop, I just empty all of the snacks I buy for her to take to school into that tote, so she knows exactly what she has without rummaging through the pantry.  It also saves a lot of room in my pantry.

I am hoping that I can get these totes back into the girls room (except the snack one) by this weekend.  Of course, that means cleaning their room, which I am making them do.  I don't understand how two girls can be so messy.  My mom would probably argue that I was the same way as a kid, which is true, so I guess it's just a girl thing.  I keep threatening to go in there myself with a couple of trash bags, hoping that will motivate them to clean.

I'll let you know how that works out.


siteseer said...

I found that both boys and girls had their own issues with cleaning bedrooms.... Somehow you just get through it. :) I've saved so much stuff of the kids and now I wonder why.... I'm pretty sure they don't want it lol. Cleaning is always so cathartic. Enjoy the clean spaces :)

jenn said...

siteseer ~ my son keeps his room so amazes me!

My mom saved a bunch of our toys from when we were younger, and my kids play with them when we're at her house. I want the same thing for my grand kids someday.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I don't understand how one two year old and one husband can be so messy, so I guess I could understand how two older girls could be even worse! lol

That's a really good idea on have the snacks all in one bin!

Dawn said...

I was wondering why you were keeping the toys. But for your grand kids is an excellent idea!! I have an extra bedroom that you can't walk through !! When I get the go ahead, I am tackling that room !! For just two people, that is unreal !! Maybe, I will take a picture !! LOL

Have fun cleaning and organizing!!

jenn said...

Storm ~ the snack bin idea actually started after a trip to Sam's. We don't have a membership, so i went with my mom, and bought enogh snacks to last the kids for months. The only problem was I had nowhere to put them all. Now, I can tell at a glance if it's time to buy more.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ all of the kids baby toys are at my nieces and nephews are enjoying them now. I have a very sentimental side, so getting rid of things is hard for me. I am hoping that maybe my mom will take more of the stuff for the kids to play with at her house, but she already has so much. I may just have to get Junior to clear me out a spot in his building.