Monday, September 27, 2010

Me And My Beautiful Daughter

Kasi and I ~ September 26, 2010
Aren't we beautiful?


Dawn said...

Awwww, so cute !! :) Two beautiful women !! :)

redkathy said...

Beautiful photo Jen!

Miranda said...

Aww..what a lovely shot of you girls ;)

jenn said...

Thanks ladies!

Unknown said...

Yep, she is most definitely your daughter, all right. Just think, it won't be long before nefarious young men will be asking if you are her sister to get on your good side.

Donna said...

Lovely!!!.....but....Where'd the little girl GO????
Time's passing!!!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Striking resemblance!! Beautiful!!

Silvergirl said...

beautiful ladies :)

steve from bethere2day said...

A lovely photo and you lookalike too

thanks for sharing :-)

jenn said...

Thanks ladies!!!