Friday, September 17, 2010

Printable Halloween Party Games

I know I am repeating myself, but there's a good reason.  You all know that every year for Ryan's birthday, we have a Halloween themed party.  We have been doing it for a few years now, and the kids love it!  They all come dressed up to win the costume contest, and the night always ends with bobbing for apples.

This year, we are in a smaller place, and we really don't have a yard big enough for the kids to be outside.  That means I will have to get creative finding things for 14 and 15 year old boys and girls to do inside.  I was thrilled when asked to do a review of a site that sells a Halloween Party Games Pack.  For $19.95, you get access to 50 printable games.  I had fun going through the selection of games, and I found three that I printed out and plan on using for Ryan's party.  I found a Horror Movie Trivia Match game, where you have to match the killer to the movie.  I bet Kasi will ace this one!  I also found a Mad-Libs game, and Trick-or-Treat Trivia game.  I plan on having prizes for the kids who get the most trivia questions right.  I usually buy cute Halloween themed containers and fill them with the good candy as prizes.

I would recommend this site to teachers.  Most of the games were geared towards kids younger than Ryan.  I think kids Brandi's age (she's 8) would enjoy more of these games.  Thankfully, there will be some younger kids here, too, so I am going to print out some games specifically for them.

*I received access to all 50 games to review and keep for myself as compensation for this review. The opinions above are my own.This Product Was a Free Giveaway


Tammy said...

I think your games will be a big hit. What fun!!!!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

I wish my mom played these kind of Halloween games when my sister and I were young. Her games consisted of dressing us up as the devil and miss dracula and then sending us on our merry way to Catholic school. Joke was on her when she had to come pick us up before she even got home.