Monday, September 6, 2010

Saving Your Baby's Cord Blood

I saw a commercial on television the other night, and it was pretty touching.  It started by showing two young boys, obviously brothers, playing in their backyard.  Then the parents come onscreen, and start sharing their story.  They explained that when their youngest child was born, they saved his cord blood, never expecting to need to use it.  Little did they know at the time that his cord blood would save his brothers life.

I find it truly amazing the things that scientists are doing these days to treat different diseases.  Back when I had my kids, saving their cord blood wasn't an affordable option for us.  Since then, more blood banks are operating, and pricing has become competitive.  You can even Compare Cord Blood Banks and see that Cryo-Cell has been around the longest, and offers the best deals.   Not only are they cheaper, they also have the most quality accreditations and nearly 215,000 clients. 

They are also having a special for Labor Day where you can Save $721 Bank Baby's Cord Blood by midnight tonight, September 6, 2010.  You can find more information here.

I know as parents, we want to protect our kids, and make sure they live long, healthy lives.  Banking your child's cord blood is an investment in their future.  If you are like me, and haven't done so before now, don't worry. Future children's cord blood may help the children you already have. Siblings can benefit from each others cord blood.  I think the statistics are 1 in 4 that one child's cord blood will match another sibling.  Those are pretty good odds.  So if you are pregnant now, think about banking this child's cord blood.  Like the people in that commercial, you may not think you'll ever need it, but it will offer peace of mind knowing that it is there if you ever do.


Mike Golch said...

the sad thing is that this is not cheap to if you don't have a lot of money than forget about doing this.

jenn said...

Mike ` I know...that's why I never did it.